As you are probably aware, unfortunately, many websites publish fake reviews and testimonials. This is completely against our core values at ResultStory.
At ResultStory we are passionately committed to producing customer video testimonials that are 100% authentic. When you watch a video with the "Verified by ResultStory" badge, you can rely on 2 key trust factors.
1. We will never use any actors in the filming of our videos.
2. Our videos are never scripted.
We are happy to be entirely transparent and share with you that we are paid by businesses to capture their customers' success stories on camera.
This is so they can showcase their customer’s results as part of their marketing strategy.
But we never, ever compromise on our core value of total authenticity.
We simply ask the people you see on our videos, questions about their customer experience. And ask them to answer these questions honestly.
That means when you see a video has been Verified by ResultStory, you can trust you are watching genuine customers, simply answering simply answering questions about their experience of working with a business. The way it should be.